Thursday, October 22, 2015

 Your Best Defense is PREVENTION

As you know, October is known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM).  People walk for the cure, race for the cure, jump for the cure, shop for the cure, and hike for the cure and yet nothing changes.

Current estimates suggest that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.  With all the focus on “Breast Cancer Awareness,” we’d have to ask, is anything really changing?  Has raising awareness caused a drop in breast cancer rates?  Sadly, no.

Thank you.  We are aware.  Now what?  
We believe that the conversation needs to switch to one of prevention.  What are the risk factors for developing breast cancer and what modalities can you employ to reduce your risk?

Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

1. Estrogen

The biggest risk factor for breast cancer is estrogen dominance.  A woman can become estrogen dominant through different mechanisms. 

  • Absolute dominance:  Too much estrogen in the body or an inability to eliminate/metabolize estrogen
  • Relative dominance:  Inadequate progesterone to offset (counterbalance) the existing estrogen
Question:  Can a woman of ANY age who is NOT on any hormone replacement therapy become estrogen dominant?

Answer:  Yes.  Absolutely. 
The truth is, our environment is laden with foreign chemicals that mimic the action of estrogens, contributing to an estrogen dominant scenario.  Many endocrine disruptors exist in our world and many of them lead to hormonal imbalances which can cause estrogen dominance.

2. Poor estrogen metabolism and/or poor elimination

All estrogens are metabolized through the liver.  The end-products of estrogen metabolism can be protective (2-hydroxy estrogens) or detrimental (16α-hydroxy estrogens).  Your ratio of healthy to unhealthy estrogens can be measured through a urine test as directed by your physician.  You can modify the ratio through diet, supplementation, and optimizing Vitamin D levels.

List of Endocrine Disruptors

Hormone Altering Chemicals Sources
Bisphenol A (BPA) Canned foods, thermal receipts, plastics marked with PC or #7
Dioxin Current food supply – meat, fish, butter, eggs, milk.
Atrazine Pervasive contaminant in drinking water
Pthalates Plastic food containers, children's toys, plastic wrap made from PVC / #3, some  cosmetics, some fragrances.
Perchlorate (Rocket fuel)   Produce and milk, drinking water
Mercury Seafood, dental amalgams
Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs)           Non-stick cookware, stain and water  resistant coatings on carpets, clothing, furniture.
Organophosphate Pesticides Pesticides used on fruits and vegetables.
Glycol Ethers            Paints, cleaning products, brake fluid, cosmetics.

For more information about this test, talk to your doctor or go to

Question:  How do I optimize estrogen metabolism and improve elimination?
Answer:  A liver cleanse can help optimize estrogen metabolism.  A colon cleanse will help reduce the re-absorption of estrogens that are sitting in the colon, thereby reducing your risk

Cleanse your liver.  One type of liver cleanse that is beneficial for healthy estrogen metabolism are coffee enemas.  Coffee enemas are an integral part of the Gerson therapy.  Here’s an excerpt from the Gerson web site:       
The purpose of the coffee enema is not to clear out the intestines but to stimulate peristalsis.  A portion of the water also dilutes the bile and increases the bile flow, thereby flushing toxic bile out of the intestines. A patient coping with a chronic degenerative disease or an acute illness can achieve the following benefits from lowering of blood serum toxin levels achieved by regular administration of coffee enemas:

  • Increased cell energy production
  • Enhanced tissue health
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Better immunity and tissue repair
  • Cellular regeneration
Coffee enemas also increase our Glutathione antioxidant system, helping reduce pain and limit autoimmune attacks on other organs such as the thyroid in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
References:  A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases by Dr. Gerson, Healing the Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson , and Liver Detoxification with Coffee Enemas by Morton Walker, DPM excerpted from July 2001 edition of Townsend Newsletter.
Read more about the benefits of coffee enemas.

Cleanse your colon.  To reduce the risk of re-absorbing estrogens that sit in the colon it is recommended that we have two to three bowel movements per day.  Consuming a high fiber diet can help aid in elimination as well as undergoing regular colon hydrotherapy.
Your best defense is a good offense!
It is no longer adequate to simply “eat a good diet and take good supplements.”  Knowing what you need to avoid and how to optimize health is important.  In addition, here are more proactive habits for you to consider as part of your journey towards vibrant health as suggested by Joseph Mercola, DO.

  • Eat real food; avoid processed foods and sugars, especially fructose
  • Stop eating AT LEAST three hours BEFORE going to bed
  • Optimize your vitamin D
  • Avoid unfermented soy products
  • Improve your insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Get plenty of high quality animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil
  • Avoid electromagnetic fields as much as possible
  • Avoid synthetic hormone replacement therapy
  • Avoid BPA, phthalates, and other xenoestrogens (See chart)
  • Make sure you're not iodine deficient

As we all know, good health is a journey that requires attention and focus, awareness and education.   Good health is no longer something we are born with. But with the right measures, good health can be a reality for many.

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Dilemma of Stage 0 - DCIS

In the news lately, there has been significant questioning of the treatment of a particular type of breast cancer known as ductal carcinoma in situ or Stage 0 breast cancer. This is a commonly found cancer that unfortunately affects approximately 60,000 women each year.  

This brief Q & A below touches on the situation that many women face each year.  We hope that these questions and answers help educate the reader about the significance of this new information.  

Q. What is DCIS?
A. DCIS stands for ductal carcinoma in situ. It is a small pileup of abnormal cells in the lining of the milk duct. You cannot feel it because there is nothing to be felt; there is no lump. But the cells can be seen in a mammogram, and when a pathologist examines them, they can look like cancer cells. The cells have not broken free of the milk duct or invaded the breast. And they may never break free. The lesion might go away on its own or it might invade the breast or spread throughout the body. That raises questions about what, if anything, to do about it.

From a thermography perspective:  Thermal imaging does NOT see structure, only heat.  In this specific situation, we likely wouldn’t “see” the abnormal pileup of cells on your thermogram. Thermal imaging is not meant to replace other imaging that can detect structural pathology. 

Q. Is DCIS cancer?
A. It is often called Stage 0 cancer, but researchers say their view of cancer is changing. They used to think cancers began as clusters of abnormal cells, and unless destroyed, the cells would inevitably grow and spread and kill. Clusters of abnormal cells like DCIS can sometimes disappear, stop growing or simply remain in place and never cause a problem. The suspicion is that the abnormal cells may be harmless and may not require treatment. But no one has done a rigorous study comparing outcomes for women who get treatment to those who get no treatment.

From a thermography perspective:  Again, because all cancers behave differently, we may not see any changes on your thermogram, especially if the cells stop growing or remain in the milk duct and not develop further.

The development of DCIS treatments and its handling over the past 40 years is an example of something we in medicine could have done better.

~ Otis Brawley, MD
Chief Medical Officer
American Cancer Society
Q. How many women get a DCIS diagnosis each year?
A. Approximately 60,000 women in the United States are diagnosed annually with DCIS.  Alarmingly, before 1983 (before widespread use of annual screening mammography) only several hundred women were diagnosed.  Although some blame the rapid rise of DCIS on mammography (and the results of radiation exposure on breast tissue), others believe the increase in DCIS is due to the higher effectiveness of computer-assisted detection offered in some mammography clinics. 

From a thermography perspective:  The highest rates of detection are found only when thermography AND mammography are combined at a reasonable interval of time.  When performed together, detection rates are reported at 90-93%.
Q. What are the treatment options for women with DCIS?
A. The majority of women get a lumpectomy, sometimes followed by radiation therapy. Other women may choose to have a mastectomy or even a double mastectomy, removing the healthy breast as a preventive measure. 

From a thermography perspective:  Being followed thermographically after a diagnosis of DCIS is extremely valuable.  However, due to the current understanding of DCIS, using other modalities (MRI, mammography, and ultrasound) conjunctively is imperative.
Q. What did the new study on DCIS outcomes show?
A. The study analyzed data from 100,000 patients followed over a 20-year timeframe.  Here are the findings: 

  • It found that there was essentially no difference in the death rate from breast cancer between the group of women who had lumpectomies with or without radiation and the group of women who had mastectomies.
  • In both groups the risk of dying from breast cancer after 20 years was very low, about 3.3 percent.
Understand, a 3.3% risk of dying from breast cancer is very close to the same odds that an average woman will die from breast cancer. 
Q. Are some women at higher risk than others if they have DCIS?
A. Yes. Not all women with DCIS will have a 3.3% risk of dying.  Women who fall into this profile have a higher death rate of 7.8% over 20 years:

  • Black women
  • Women who are under 40 years of age
  • Women whose DCIS cells have molecular markers similar to those found in more aggressive, invasive cancers
Q. What should a woman do if she is told she has DCIS?
A. Because pathology is subjective and the stakes with cancer so high, she might want to get a second opinion. If the diagnosis is DCIS, most doctors would urge treatment until a study shows it is not necessary. But some women are choosing not to be treated while getting frequent monitoring. 

You can read more here about this topic.  

These recent reports about the true effectiveness of mammographic screening have caused some breast cancer organizations to take a step back and re-evaluate their routine screening programs.  Switzerland leads the way and recently decided to abolish mammographic screenings all together.  

This article sums it up nicely when it comes to breast cancer stating, 

Remember that in order to truly avoid breast cancer, you need to focus your attention on actual prevention and not just early detection.”

Remember, thermography is NOT a stand-alone breast cancer detection device, but instead a technology to monitor for changes that could indicate the development of disease.  Prevention requires you to know the risks for developing breast cancer and then take intentional measures to reduce your risk.  Our October newsletter will be focusing on several modalities you can employ to help you reduce your risk.  Prevention is key to changing the course of this disease and unfortunately, this message is NOT being shared.  Please consider helping us spread this message of prevention by sharing our newsletters with others. 

Yours in health…and prevention,

Lynda and Brenda

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Happy summer!
We hope all our readers and clients are enjoying the lazy days of summer!

While we can’t say things are too much slower for us during this time of year, we are very grateful for the growth we’ve experienced in both California and Arizona.

We send out our deepest, heart-felt THANK YOU to all our clients, referring practitioners and those who support us via word of mouth, forwarding of newsletters, etc.  We are so very blessed and incredibly grateful!

Brenda had a wonderful response to the last newsletter where she shared her story about her health challenges and ultimate diagnosis of juvenile diabetes.  Her story is not all that rare and unfortunately we have people who see us that explain a very similar account of how they were diagnosed after a long bout of chronic stress.  We both thank you for your compassionate and caring replies and our sincere gratitude for those who donated to her cause.  If you’d like to read Brenda’s personal story or make a donation please scroll down to the previous post.

Radial Scar

Several years ago, a young client with no breast symptoms presented for her initial baseline breast scan and this unusual pattern was seen in her right breast:
Radial Scar Radial Scar
This pattern fit no typical thermal findings with respect to malignancy and this client was urged to have immediate clinical assessment by the interpreting thermologist.

It was determined that this pattern was due to a breast abnormality known as a radial scar
Pam Stephan, a breast cancer expert, says the following about radial scars:

It is also known as a complex sclerosing lesion of the breast, black star, sclerosing papillary proliferation, infiltrating epitheliosis and indurative mastopathy.

Radial scars a very rare and not much is known about them.  What is known is this: 
  • An estimated 0.04%, or six out of every 15,000 patients are diagnosed annually with a radial scar of the breast.
  • Women between the ages of 41 and 60 are at the highest risk for a radial scar.
  • These breast lesions are even less common in women under 40 or over 60 years old.
  • It is difficult to properly diagnose a radial scar, even with a biopsy, because under a microscope, the cell geometry closely resembles tubular carcinoma.
  • This typically benign breast mass sometimes has malignant tissue hiding behind it.
  • Those diagnosed with a radial scar have a lifetime risk of developing breast cancer of 150 to 200% greater than average.
  • A radial scar is not always made of scar tissue, but it takes its name from its scar-like appearance on an x-ray.
  • A radial scar may be caused by breast surgery, or breast inflammation or hormonal changes. It may also be the byproduct of fibrocystic changes in the breast that normally occur as you age.
A radial scar is a star-shaped breast mass that may be completely benign, or it may be precancerous or contain a mixture of tissue, including hyperplasia, atypia, or cancer. If a radial scar is rather large, it may appear on a regular screening mammogram. It can look like an irregularly shaped star, having spiked arms radiating away from the center. A radial scar in breast tissue usually won't cause a lump that you can feel, nor will it make breast skin dimple or discolor.

Often, a breast surgeon will recommend this lesion be surgically removed.  Keep in mind, these are typically benign, but due to an increased risk of developing breast cancer in the future, close thermal and clinical monitoring is strongly advised.

Again, we hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer filled with fun in the sun, cool mountain retreats, spending time with friends, and enjoyed loving family gatherings.

Yours in prevention,
Lynda and Brenda

Friday, July 31, 2015

Brenda's Personal Story

Dog 1 pictureTake a trip in time with me…
You’re in your early forties and looking at taking some responsible measures for your future. So, you contact an insurance company and request that you be evaluated for a life insurance policy.  Of course, they are happy to accommodate this request and you meet with the clinical evaluator to determine your level of health. 
 You are informed that depending on where you score in this evaluation determines the rate for which you qualify.  Of course, the better your health, the greater rate of return you receive on your policy.  “Rarely does anyone receive an outstanding score,” is what you’re told.  “A good health score is more common and this is what you should expect in this evaluation.”

But your health score is OUTSTANDING.  You hear the excitement in the voice of the sales rep as he tells you this type of health score rarely is seen.  (In your mind you are thinking that you are likely his first client with this score).  You sense his excitement as he begins to write the policy for you.

Nine months later, age 43, you are admitted into the hospital in diabetic ketoacidosis.  You are told that you are a type 1 (juvenile) diabetic.  Due to the suddenness of the onset of symptoms, your doctor also tells you that pancreatic cancer is suspected and they want to rule this out with an immediate CT scan.

What happened?  How can outstanding health turn to a significant diagnosis in such a short time?  

The answer?  The explanation?  StressOverwhelming stress that was not managed in a healthy, positive, empowering fashion.

This is Brenda’s story.  

I was working over 60 hours per week as I was trying to balance one demanding career (perfusion) while growing my thermal imaging business.  To “fill-in” the monetary gaps, on occasion, I was also driving to UCLA on weekends and holidays to pick-up extra 12-hour shifts. 

Although I was devastated to learn that I was a Type 1 diabetic, I was suddenly grateful that I was ONLY a diabetic.  The CT for pancreatic cancer was negative.

The stress I was under and the way I chose to handle the stress certainly played a role in my diagnosis.  Of this I am convinced.  I can only move forward and live with this diagnosis as best I can, staying active, eating healthy and managing stress in a healthy and empowering way.  I feel compelled to share my story with others with the hopes of helping them look for better solutions for dealing with life’s stressors and more importantly, avoiding a diagnosis. 

On Saturday, August 15th Mo-mentum Fitness will be hosting an interactive clinic where you can learn some practical ways to manage the stressors life throws at us.  Alicia Murphy, owner of Stress Monkee has developed a fun and interactive program that helps you turn stress into a “super power!”  

At this event you will hear Alicia share her story of why she feels compelled to help people manage stress productively.  You will be an active participant in learning positive ways and techniques to manage stress such as:
  • How to change your views about stress
  • Understand how stress affects your life
  • How to physically train your body to handle stress positively
The name of the game is fun, fun, fun (and lots of laughing!!!)
This workshop is fun for all people including teens and adults.  Casual dress or workout attire is appropriate.


Date:  HAPPYness Hour on Saturday, August 15th
Time:  4 – 5 pm
Location: Mo-mentum Fitness (Bolsa Chica/Heil)
16470 Bolsa Chica
Huntington Beach, CA  92649
RSVP:  714.756.1501 (RSVP is appreciated)  
Cost: Suggested donation of $25 (*to benefit Brenda’s efforts in raising money for a diabetic alert service dog)
Dog 1 pictureAs some of you may know, I am working to raise money to purchase a Diabetic Alert Dog (DAD).  I have had some “lows” that I don’t always recognize.  My dog will also alert me if my blood sugar spikes, thereby, allowing me to treat it appropriately and quickly.  To read more about my efforts and reasons for getting a service dog, click here.

The event at Mo-mentum Fitness is in part, a fundraiser to benefit my efforts in purchasing my service dog. 



Here is how you can participate if you live in CA

Attend the event!  (Of course, this one is obvious!!!)


Here is how to benefit if you do not live in the area

Go to: and register for the free video series



Credit card donations

Personal checks made payable to Brenda Witt and mailed to her at:
Brenda Witt
1901 Newport Blvd., STE 350
Costa Mesa, CA  92627

Cash donations can be handed directly to Brenda. 

 Before you donate, understand that this is NOT a tax deductible donation and donations cannot be returned (refunded)
Dog 2 pictureI hope you will join us on Saturday, August 15th in Huntington Beach.  If you cannot attend, consider registering for the free video series.  Learn to turn stress into your super power.  My hope by sharing my story, it inspires you to take positive steps now.  It may save you from a diagnosis in the future.  Trust me.  I know.

With sincere gratitude and appreciation for all of our readers, clients and friends,

Brenda Witt

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Exciting Changes for PHS

We had a great time reading the responses we received from some of our readers regarding our last newsletter.  Thank you for sharing your “scores” on our Pop Quiz and for sending in your comments.  We do try our best to educate our clients about the benefits of DITI as well as the limitations of this technology.

The question that received the most comments and seemed to trip up most of our readers was about family history versus estrogen dominance and which played the most significant role as a risk factor for developing breast cancer.

Many believed that family history is more significant as a risk factor for developing disease.  However, the truth is that the greatest risk factor women face today with respects to developing breast cancer is hormonal status; specifically estrogen levels.  A future newsletter will go into more depth with respects to this aspect of illness and disease.  

This month’s newsletter we will dedicate to sharing some exciting changes Proactive Health Solutions is going through including the introduction of two new team members!

Juanita GarciaMany of you know that Juanita Garcia has been working towards receiving her Level 1 thermographer certification and I am happy to announce she has been successful in her endeavor!!
Juanita has been working for more than one year to learn all she could to prepare for her testing.  She had to learn health history intake, brush up on her anatomy and physiology (she is a licensed massage therapist, so some of this information was just a review), and learn the proper patient protocols, clinic protocols, images and labels and correct and factual information about thermography. . . .all while having to deal with Lynda!!!!

All joking aside, Juanita worked diligently and professionally watching all videos, reading all literature she could get her hands on and going online to find more.  She continues to grow and learn more about thermography, breast and overall health and strives to “practice what she preaches” while reaching out to women and men to help them, too.

Juanita is bilingual and is a HUGE benefit to Lynda as she looks to expand into the market south of Tucson as well as to reach those in Tucson who are mono-lingual Spanish speakers.  Proactive Health Solutions has already benefited from Juanita’s linguistic skills as she works with several women using DITI who speak limited English. 

Welcome Juanita and THANK YOU for your dedication, commitment and service!
Juanita GarciaOur other new member is our sister, Jacki.  Jacki lives in Peoria, AZ with her husband and two children. . . .our beloved niece and nephew, Kate and Matthew!  Jacki has her BS in physical therapy and a penchant for health and wellness.  She is a seeker of knowledge and digs deep to find out as much information as possible before making health decisions for her and her family.

Jacki is the office manager for Brenda in California and will assume responsibility as the main appointment scheduler for all returning clients in California.  Jacki will be contacting the California clients in the coming months to schedule their annual appointment(s). Jacki is going to be a great asset to Brenda and is sure to be kept busy with the many growing back office responsibilities.

To schedule your CALIFORNIA appointment, please contact:

Jacki:  949-236-6104 (on Google voice)

Brenda and Lynda can still be reached at:


Lynda:    520-235-7036 (cell)
               520-209-1755 (office)

One final exciting update includes a new web site.  Proactive Health Solutions is in the process of updating our current web site.  Naturally, our web address will be the same, but there will be a different look and feel to the site with more graphics showing all the many regions we image and the findings determined for each region.  

We are so very grateful for the expansion of our business in Arizona and California!  We simply love our clients and we appreciate your business!

Yours in health,

Brenda and Lynda

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

 Pop Quiz

We hope to “spring” on our readers a short, but informative, newsletter QUIZ!!!  We believe our clients are very well educated about thermography and this quiz will prove us RIGHT. . .or wrong.  But either way, you may learn something new and/or confirm something you thought you knew.

So, take just a moment to answer these few questions and then check your answers with ours within the body of the newsletter. . .No peeking!!!    

  1. The greatest risk factor for developing breast cancer is
  1. still unknown at this time 
  2. previous history of mastitis or other breast diseases
  3. estrogen dominance
  4. a family history of this disease  
  1. Which statement best describes thermography?
  1. Thermal imaging can show abnormal structure not seen on other tests
  2. Thermal imaging is used to determine stable physiology and then watch for changes over time
  3. Thermal imaging replaces other imaging technologies
  4. Thermal imaging is the best screening for determining if you have cancer anywhere in your body
  1. On average, an active breast cancer tumor doubles in cell number every
  1. 3 months 
  2. 6 months
  3. 9 months
  4. 12 months 
  1. True or false? 
    All women, starting at age 18, have stable breast physiology, can establish a baseline, and then have comparative studies annually
  1. Prior to your thermogram appointment, which of the following things should you avoid?
  1. Lotion, oil, powder, and deodorants over the areas being scanned
  2. Excessive sun exposure to the area of the body being scanned
  3. Tobacco use and consumption of caffeine two hours before your thermogram
  4. Body work of any type (massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.) or   strenuous workouts
  5. All of the above are things to avoid prior to a thermogram 

    So, here we go!  We start by answering Question #1 with this most sobering news article about the increase in breast cancer diagnoses.

    Sadly, the breast cancer projection is bleak as “the number of U.S. women diagnosed with breast cancer could rise by as much as 50 percent within the next 15 years, according to new government predictions.”  

    According to researchers, the rise in breast cancer tumors will be the ER positive type – those whose growth is fueled by estrogen.  Estrogen dominance is the single greatest risk factor for developing breast cancer in the future. 

    My sister and I have written newsletters in the past about this exact issue.  However, estrogen that our bodies create may not be the concern nearly as much as the xenoestrogens found in our world today.

    Xenoestrogens are “foreign” estrogens that are consumed through environmental means and best defined as “hormone disruptors.”  They act at the same site as natural hormones and exert the same effects of estrogen:  cell growth and increased cell division.
    Xenoestrogens can create an estrogen dominant scenario.  Estrogen dominance is also the greatest risk factor for the development of ovarian and endometrial cancers. 

    Estrogen Dominance, a term coined by John Lee, MD and is defined as any amount of estrogen NOT off-set by an adequate amount of progesterone. As a woman transitions into menopause, progesterone production declines nearly twice as fast as estrogen.  Xenoestrogens are found in foods treated with pesticides and insecticides as well as any products that are petroleum-based.  This list may include:  lotions, soaps, shampoos, hair spray, cosmetics, room deodorizers, solvents, cleaning products and plastics (water bottles, food storage containers, etc). 

    Question #2 deals with common requests my sister and I get. . .all too often.  People will call and ask about using thermography as a replacement for a colonoscopy, mammogram, MRI, CT, etc. and if thermography will let them know if they have cancer anywhere in their body.  

    In a word, NO, thermography cannot replace any other test of structure and is used as an adjunctive tool to aide in diagnosing disease and dysfunction, but does not replace other types of imaging. 

    We hear your cries. . .we understand your concerns about several of these other tests that involve radiation and / or compression and we feel your pain!  However, DITI, a test of physiology does not replace a test of structure. . .and vice versa!  Here is a great link to watch a very short clip explaining DITI, mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs.

    What my sister and I can also offer is this link to help you decide if routine screening with mammography is right for you. This pamphlet explains the harms and benefits and is the most straight-forward accounting of the truth about routine screening for women at average risk.  Please take a moment to read it, download it and share with others.

    DITI is not a cancer screening tool, either, as some would believe.  We have also written about this in the past.  Thermography is phenomenal in the following four areas:
    • Risk Assessment
    • Detection (but not as a stand – alone technology)
    • Prevention / Early Intervention
    • Monitoring Effects of Treatment 

    The best possible use of thermal imaging is first to determine stable physiology and then watch for changes over time that could alert us to early formation of disease or to let us know of high levels of inflammation, hormonal imbalances, dental pathologies, etc.

    The answer to Question #3 is best shown with the help of this chart:

    As you can see, on average, breast cancer cells double in number every 90 days (3 months).The follow up study that is performed at the 3 month mark helps determine if breast physiology is stable and allows for each woman to establish their unique breast baseline.  All annual studies are then compared to this stable baseline to alert women to changes that may warrant further testing.  This time frame is average, but for younger women, the cell doubling rate can be faster.  

    As we learn more about women’s physiology, we have come to understand that breast development is not complete until a woman is in her mid to late 20’s.  So the answer to Question #4: It is not until around age 25+ that a woman can establish a stable breast thermogram.  In 2013, several news outlets (ABC, Fox News, etc) stated that women aged 25-39 was the fastest rising demographic to receive an advanced stage breast cancer diagnosis.   This is most troubling because breast cancer in younger women tends to be faster growing with lower survival rates than older women. 

    Thermography only sees heat and watches for changes over time.  Chances of seeing a developing pathology at an early stage through emitted heat can only be seen with DITI.  So there would be value in beginning screening at this early age.  As a tumor begins to develop, heat patterns may be detected that can alert us to a serious pathology at an earlier stage of development.  

    However, not all tumors have a heat signature associated with them and if that is the case, we won’t see its development thermographically at any stage of growth.  All women, of any age, have an increased risk of developing breast cancer if she is estrogen dominant.  

    We believe that the prudent, protective, and preventative approach would be to begin screening thermographically at this young age BUT to also be evaluated annually for estrogen dominance.  Young women who are found to be estrogen dominant, with naturally high(er) estrogen levels and higher metabolic rates make it likely that tumors in these women will double at a much faster rate than the average.  And if breast cancer develops, it tends to grow rapidly as the estrogen fuels an ER positive tumor.  It is because women of this age are NOT screened (nor are they warned and monitored for estrogen dominance), that if breast cancer is found, it is usually in an advanced stage.

    Lastly, we come to Question #5 regarding what to avoid prior to your thermogram.  Basically, option E is the correct answer and all items listed as possible answers are what need to be avoided.

    So, how did you do?  How many did you get right out of the 5 questions?  Please reply with your score!  We promise NOT to post it in our next newsletter! 

    Yours in health,
    Brenda and Lynda


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Is Your Diet Pro - Inflammatory?

Happy 2015!
A new year offers us an opportunity to examine parts of our life that we wish to be different. For most of us, we look for ways to bring healthy habits into our life while eliminating (or reducing) the “less-than-healthy” choices. We encourage the adoption of vibrant lifestyle choices that bring balance and energy to our lives. We also believe that the best way to do this is to focus carefully on food. 

The following recommendations are made to help reduce inflammation. As we’ve said many times before, inflammation is the root cause of disease. Consistently reducing the inflammation in your body is truly one of the most protective habits you can take on that will help improve overall health.

1. Sugar consumption

Of all the dietary culprits, refined sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup is likely the pinnacle molecule that destroys health. Sugar is pro-inflammatory. The average American eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) consumes approximately 22 teaspoons of sugar each day in the form of added sugar.
Common sources of added sugar include: beverages/soda, grain-based desserts, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, and candy
Do you drink soda? Diet soda? Do you consume fruit juices and fruit smoothies? Multiple studies show that these types of beverages will dramatically increase your risk for developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 2, and heart disease simply due to the continual exposure of inflammation from these beverages. 

The case report below is a classic example of the inflammatory effects of excessive sugar consumption:
Annual breast thermogram (2004) Annual breast thermogram (Dec 2007) Breast thermogram (March 2008)
Annual breast thermogram (2004)No thermal changes seen; annual imaging is advised Annual breast thermogram (Dec 2007)Thermal changes in both breasts; client is At Risk for developing pathology. Clinical correlation is advised and repeat thermogram in three months. Breast thermogram (March 2008) Thermal patterns were reported again as stable; client is At Low Risk for developing pathology. Annual imaging is advised.
In the case study above, the only reported lifestyle changes she had made was increased sugar consumption during the holiday season (December 2007). After returning to her usual healthy diet, the thermal patterns did resolve.

2. Processed vegetable oils

If you have not yet viewed the outstanding YouTube video, The Oiling of America, we strongly encourage you to carve out time to do this. 

In this two-hour video, Sally Fallon-Morell (president of the Weston A. Price Foundation) uncovers the truth about the damaging effects of using processed vegetable oils in lieu of “real” fats. Truly, you will be outraged at the “cover-up” of the scientific evidence related to processed fats, saturated fats, and health. 

Saturated fats (mainly, animal fats) were once deemed deadly and portrayed as “a heart attack waiting to happen.” Avoiding coconut meat and coconut oil, also a saturated fat, was also recommended as these too, would surely send you to the hospital with the classic symptoms of a heart attack. As it turns out, the consumption of trans fats(created through a chemical process called partial hydrogenation) has shown to be far-more dangerous and unhealthy than consuming saturated fat. In fact, in 2013 the FDA stated that partially hydrogenated oils (which contain trans fats) are not "generally recognized as safe.” This statement is expected to lead to a ban on industrially produced trans fats from the American diet. (Finally! A good idea from the FDA)
These foods likely contain partially hydrogenated oils/trans fats: some nut butters, crackers, cookies and other baked goods, snack items like potato chips, and salad dressings.

Vegetable oil consumption also leads to a lopsided ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. Consuming the typical Standard American Diet (SAD) creates a 1:20 or even up to 1:50 omega-3 to omega-6 fat ratio. The ideal ratio of omega 3’s to omega 6’s is anywhere between 1:1 (ideal) and not more than 1:5. Look to add more omega-3’s to your diet through supplementation, such as Moxxor or through eating more wild-caught fish. Although some nuts are high in omega-3 fats, others are a rich source of omega-6 fatty acids. Use your discretion.
Foods rich in Omega 3 fats: Chia seeds, walnuts, ground flax meal, legumes (navy, pinto, kidney beans), and some seafood.

Soybean oil. Soybeans grown in the US are genetically engineered. Be cautious of partially hydrogenated (genetically engineered) soybean oil. Any foods with soybean oils, like all trans fats, needs to be completely eliminated from your pantry and cupboards.


3. Wheat and grains

Wheat lectin, also known as wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) is the portion of the wheat plant that is responsible for ill-effects related to inflammation in the GI system. All seeds of the grass-family (rice, spelt, rye, corn, oats, millet, teff, etc) contain these gut-damaging lectins leading to chronic inflammation. As we discussed in our December 2014 newsletter, wheat is exposed to glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. In essence, Roundup significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal wall, leading to chronic disease.
Gluten freePost Gluten Free
Thermogram prior to strictly adhering to a gluten-free diet (left) and after. Client also has diagnosis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and her antibodies were VERY high. After 3 months with no gluten, her blood work showed her antibodies had decreased by 300 points and her abdominal image has greatly improved along with embedded temperatures showing a positive response to her dietary choices.

4. Eggs and nutrient content

Eggs, like saturated fats, were regarded as unhealthy specifically due to their high cholesterol content and potentially leading to heart disease. According to a 2007 comparative study of nutrient content of eggs from caged chickens vs. free-range chickens and published in Mother Earth News, free-range chickens produced eggs that were higher in vitamin A, contained more omega-3 fatty acids, had three times more vitamin E and up to seven times more beta carotene. The egg yolk of free-range chickens that eat greens is usually bright yellow and sometimes orange in color. Cage-fed chickens fed grains will only produce pale-yellow yolks.
You are in control of your health. A diet that promotes health is...
  • Low in sugar
  • High in healthy fats, rich in Omega 3’s
  • Low in grains
  • All meat and protein sources (such as eggs) need to come from free-range, grass fed animals not exposed to harmful antibiotics.
  • To bring balance to your fatty acid ratio, consider consuming either a rich omega-3 supplement or adding wild-caught fish to your diet.
If you already are aware of these good health practices, consider sending this email to a friend who has made a “resolution” to get healthy. She or he may not be aware of the inflammation they may be adding to their diet by following the typical Standard American Diet. . . and that would be sad!

Reducing inflammation is truly the best way to “get healthy” in 2015 and beyond. 

In health,

Brenda and Lynda