Pop Quiz
We hope to “spring” on our readers a short, but informative, newsletter QUIZ!!! We believe our clients are very well educated about thermography and this quiz will prove us RIGHT. . .or wrong. But either way, you may learn something new and/or confirm something you thought you knew.So, take just a moment to answer these few questions and then check your answers with ours within the body of the newsletter. . .No peeking!!!

- The greatest risk factor for developing breast cancer is
- still unknown at this time
- previous history of mastitis or other breast diseases
- estrogen dominance
- a family history of this disease
- Which statement best describes thermography?
- Thermal imaging can show abnormal structure not seen on other tests
- Thermal imaging is used to determine stable physiology and then watch for changes over time
- Thermal imaging replaces other imaging technologies
- Thermal imaging is the best screening for determining if you have cancer anywhere in your body
- On average, an active breast cancer tumor doubles in cell number every
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 9 months
- 12 months
- True or false?
All women, starting at age 18, have stable breast physiology, can establish a baseline, and then have comparative studies annually
- Prior to your thermogram appointment, which of the following things should you avoid?
- Lotion, oil, powder, and deodorants over the areas being scanned
- Excessive sun exposure to the area of the body being scanned
- Tobacco use and consumption of caffeine two hours before your thermogram
- Body work of any type (massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.) or strenuous workouts
- All of the above are things to avoid prior to a thermogram
So, here we go! We start by answering Question #1 with this most sobering news article about the increase in breast cancer diagnoses.
Sadly, the breast cancer projection is bleak as “the number of U.S. women diagnosed with breast cancer could rise by as much as 50 percent within the next 15 years, according to new government predictions.”
According to researchers, the rise in breast cancer tumors will be the ER positive type – those whose growth is fueled by estrogen. Estrogen dominance is the single greatest risk factor for developing breast cancer in the future.
My sister and I have written newsletters in the past about this exact issue. However, estrogen that our bodies create may not be the concern nearly as much as the xenoestrogens found in our world today.
Xenoestrogens are “foreign” estrogens that are consumed through environmental means and best defined as “hormone disruptors.” They act at the same site as natural hormones and exert the same effects of estrogen: cell growth and increased cell division.
Xenoestrogens can create an estrogen dominant scenario. Estrogen dominance is also the greatest risk factor for the development of ovarian and endometrial cancers.
Estrogen Dominance, a term coined by John Lee, MD and is defined as any amount of estrogen NOT off-set by an adequate amount of progesterone. As a woman transitions into menopause, progesterone production declines nearly twice as fast as estrogen. Xenoestrogens are found in foods treated with pesticides and insecticides as well as any products that are petroleum-based. This list may include: lotions, soaps, shampoos, hair spray, cosmetics, room deodorizers, solvents, cleaning products and plastics (water bottles, food storage containers, etc).
Question #2 deals with common requests my sister and I get. . .all too often. People will call and ask about using thermography as a replacement for a colonoscopy, mammogram, MRI, CT, etc. and if thermography will let them know if they have cancer anywhere in their body.
In a word, NO, thermography cannot replace any other test of structure and is used as an adjunctive tool to aide in diagnosing disease and dysfunction, but does not replace other types of imaging.
We hear your cries. . .we understand your concerns about several of these other tests that involve radiation and / or compression and we feel your pain! However, DITI, a test of physiology does not replace a test of structure. . .and vice versa! Here is a great link to watch a very short clip explaining DITI, mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs.
What my sister and I can also offer is this link to help you decide if routine screening with mammography is right for you. This pamphlet explains the harms and benefits and is the most straight-forward accounting of the truth about routine screening for women at average risk. Please take a moment to read it, download it and share with others.
DITI is not a cancer screening tool, either, as some would believe. We have also written about this in the past. Thermography is phenomenal in the following four areas:
- Risk Assessment
- Detection (but not as a stand – alone technology)
- Prevention / Early Intervention
- Monitoring Effects of Treatment
The best possible use of thermal imaging is first to determine stable physiology and then watch for changes over time that could alert us to early formation of disease or to let us know of high levels of inflammation, hormonal imbalances, dental pathologies, etc.
The answer to Question #3 is best shown with the help of this chart:
As you can see, on average, breast cancer cells double in number every 90 days (3 months).The follow up study that is performed at the 3 month mark helps determine if breast physiology is stable and allows for each woman to establish their unique breast baseline. All annual studies are then compared to this stable baseline to alert women to changes that may warrant further testing. This time frame is average, but for younger women, the cell doubling rate can be faster.
As we learn more about women’s physiology, we have come to understand that breast development is not complete until a woman is in her mid to late 20’s. So the answer to Question #4: It is not until around age 25+ that a woman can establish a stable breast thermogram. In 2013, several news outlets (ABC, Fox News, etc) stated that women aged 25-39 was the fastest rising demographic to receive an advanced stage breast cancer diagnosis. This is most troubling because breast cancer in younger women tends to be faster growing with lower survival rates than older women.
Thermography only sees heat and watches for changes over time. Chances of seeing a developing pathology at an early stage through emitted heat can only be seen with DITI. So there would be value in beginning screening at this early age. As a tumor begins to develop, heat patterns may be detected that can alert us to a serious pathology at an earlier stage of development.
However, not all tumors have a heat signature associated with them and if that is the case, we won’t see its development thermographically at any stage of growth. All women, of any age, have an increased risk of developing breast cancer if she is estrogen dominant.
We believe that the prudent, protective, and preventative approach would be to begin screening thermographically at this young age BUT to also be evaluated annually for estrogen dominance. Young women who are found to be estrogen dominant, with naturally high(er) estrogen levels and higher metabolic rates make it likely that tumors in these women will double at a much faster rate than the average. And if breast cancer develops, it tends to grow rapidly as the estrogen fuels an ER positive tumor. It is because women of this age are NOT screened (nor are they warned and monitored for estrogen dominance), that if breast cancer is found, it is usually in an advanced stage.
Lastly, we come to Question #5 regarding what to avoid prior to your thermogram. Basically, option E is the correct answer and all items listed as possible answers are what need to be avoided.
So, how did you do? How many did you get right out of the 5 questions? Please reply with your score! We promise NOT to post it in our next newsletter!
Yours in health,
Brenda and Lynda